Ranjan Singh

Software Engineer II at Pilot

Ranjan Singh

As a Software Engineer II at Pilot. I am a dedicated Full-Stack developer with a passion for innovation and a keen eye for staying ahead in the rapidly evolving tech industry. My expertise lies in crafting visually appealing and seamlessly functional web applications using technologies such as React, React Native, Node.js, and Next.js. I am also skilled in AI development, leveraging frameworks like Langchain to build cutting-edge AI applications. I am committed to delivering exceptional results by prioritizing quality, efficiency, and elegance in every project I undertake.

Currently working on

  • My personal site ranjansingh.dev.
  • Pilot AI Powered Trip Planner Web and Native Apps Android & iOS.



  • Built AI powered Personalized Trip Itinerary Generator (Quick Start)
  • Built Automated Email Attachment import for Planner to simplify file upload
  • AI powered Booking Import for Transport and Accommodation
  • Improved App Stability with Error Boundaries and Sentry
  • Revamping Backend Architecture for better concurrency.
  • Developed Multiple Internal Tools for Managing App & It's Performance
  • Learned Software Architecture & Technology of Large-Scale Systems
  • Learned Artificial Intelligence A-Z™


  • Developed the backend using Node JS with Express JS to deal with 20K+ cases per week across multiple law firms.
  • Improved communication between Crawler and Backend with RabbitMQ reducing pending requests by 80%
  • Created NPM package for auto-resizing, optimizing & watermark all images uploaded using multer sharp-multer.
  • Added In-app Realtime Notification using Socket.io.
  • Upgraded React Native Legacy App V 0.53 to V0.60 with support for newer devices.
  • Created Custom React Native Packages for Country Code Picker.


  • Built a scalable e-commerce application using Next JS with Material UI to sell telecom-related product Revo Telecom Parts Inc
  • Improved SEO ranking with Multilanguage support for 60K+ SKUs.
  • Added Auto Localisation support for 8 languages without using IP addresses.
  • Architected & Developed Native App and backend for wedding marketplace Wedcell.
  • Learned ReactJS, TypeScript, Redux, and Ant Design

2018 - 2019

  • Implemented GPS based Location Tracking with React Native and Firebase.
  • Used offline first location tracking to improve tracking
  • Added Hermes engine to improve the initial boot time of the React Native applications.
  • Developed a Native app for Controlling IoT Devices over Bluetooth & WiFi.
  • Developed a 2D Endless Runner Game with Dexter as character for Mobile with Unity Game Engine.